Lip Fillers
Some people aren’t blessed with the Angelina Jolie-esque super pout or the questionable Kylie Jenner natural lip look; some people may well have been once, but age can thin out our lips and wrinkles can begin to form around the corners of our mouths as well. Lip Enhancement allows you to get more definition into your lips and regain a youthful plumpness which will really enhance your confidence.
The lip area is injected with a soft filler in order to provide ‘plumpness’. The whole procedure takes around 30 minutes and can be used to tackle a whole host of different imperfections such as “smokers” lines, wrinkled lips, and a re-asserting of the cupids bow (the V-Shaped dip on the top lip of the mouth) and adding / strengthening the outline of the lip border.
This relatively simple and non-surgical procedure provides an interesting option for those who require a quick enhancement to their lower face. This is a treatment ideal for those women who have lost plumpness in their lips through ageing (we lose 50% of our lip volume by age 50) or for those women, however young or old, who feel that they need to enhance the natural size and shape of their lips.
We also perform corrective work of treatments performed elsewhere’ including dissolving lip fillers.