Over time the face loses fat, causing the cheeks to become flat and saggy, giving way to a sunken-in look. Although some are born with naturally high cheekbones, achieving the look of sculpted cheeks can be accomplished through both nonsurgical and surgical treatments that focus on restoring plumpness, volume and definition.
To restore volume to the midface and recreate youthful contours, we can use dermal fillers. The filler used consists of a thicker hyaluronic acid – a substance which can be found in the body. Filler can be placed directly above the cheek bones and moulded to define natural cheek bone structure. They can also lift areas lower down such as the nasolabial folds. The procedure takes about 30 minutes and is virtually painless. Satisfaction among this procedure tends to be very high, and dependent on the fillers used the reults can last as long as 18 months.