Reflexology is the science of medical-massage. By targeting specific areas of the body, pain and discomfort can be eliminated. It's an incredible skill to have, not only to launch a part / full-time career but to help those around you wherever you are.
Following is a list of some of the topics that are covered in this course:
Anatomy and Physiology of all the Body Systems
Reflex Zones in Hands and Feet
How to Perform an Effective Treatment
External Reading of the feet
Disorders of the feet, hand & nails
Cross Referral Areas of Hands & Feet
The holistic approach
Treating the Whole Person
Introduction to other Complementary Therapies (eg. Aromatherapy and Massage)
Methods of Consultation
Common Ailments
Customer Care
Hygiene and Safety Procedures in the clinic
Create, Evaluate and review Reflexology Treatment Programs
Management and Public Relations
Course Fee: £400
Accreditation Board: Modern Institute Of Reflexology